Sunday 9 December 2012


 This IS Mr Crofter Sir

Surprising isn't it? Was wondering if Mr Crofter had fallen asleep at the side of the road while Clocks was strimming. Only I notice its all nicely squared off - like someone who knew what they were doing did it - and not Lewis Crofters. Obviously  Lewis Crofters know what they are doing but, they are yet to open a hair-dressers in town. Perhaps the sheep shearer did it?? Anyway, what with the beginnings of a beard an all, Mr Crofter Sir is looking very,,,,, very ,,,,,, whatever he's looking these days.

 The Crofter has a dainty cup of tea.

 See, all squared up and all.


The sheeps - the woolly backs [white sheeps] are doing ok - the black one are out on the range [Tolsta Head I think] but the turkeys are looking nervous!

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