Wednesday 21 April 2010


Nigella fighting Dad Crofter

Twinkletoes and Kylie filling up!

Twinkletoes and Kylie are doing OK since you ask - or were about to ask. Caroline is now suckling mum all on her own in the nursery although Nigella is still not sure whether she is going to bother. Being somewhat tiny, Nigella is more content to just sit around, traipse through the pen bars to play with Twinkletoes or just take a small sup out of the bottle. Obviously a Hebridean!

Clocks called in this morning to see how the little ones are doing and Beinn passed by too. For a while, just until he got tickled under his chin - then wandered off.

With four lamblettes in the nursery its a family affair to feed them. That's in between sorting the ground for the veg, pricking out the seedlings, feeding the rest of the 3001 beasts on the ranch and making teeth.

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